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March 04, 2008



I noticed that mine has the ability to understand my responses to her questions while her hands/tools are in my mouth. Are they trained on how to translate "garble" in dental hygenist school?

michelle - registered dental hygienist in MI

we actually had to take a special class in school to understand patients when we have instruments in their mouths.

not really, but that is one of the many things I discuss at lenght with my captive audience, I mean patients ;)


Donna in texas

Well I guess you could say. I tired I'm going to close my eyes and snooze while you clean if you don't mind..Mr gruppy pants...lol lol

Bum Boat Bart

More Mare! More Mare!!

I'm really, really sorry for that outburst. It's just that the absence of Marinalysis has left a yawning casm in my life; I do love her so...

You think they'll kill off Drew? I prefer to fantasize that he's really just moving over to Rex Morgan's practice and he, Rex and June can begin buying their blue hair dye in bulk.


Donna & Michelle -- thanks for taking the above in the spirit it was intended, which was tongue-in-cheek both literally and figuratively. And Donna, you're right -- I AM Mr. Grumpy Pants. I'll try your approach next time.

And BBB -- check out the latest entry.

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